Submitted by: Bob & Sherian Long on Apr 20, 2010
From the moment Zack burst out of his carrier at the airport and into my arms, he has been the joy of my life. I wanted a companion 'lap dog' who would also have fun joining our other Brittanys bird hunting with my husband. I spoke and emailed a number of times to Melody with what I was looking for, and without a doubt, she helped me pick the one that has been perfect. At 33 pounds, Zack is a bigger 'lap dog' than I originally envisioned, but he doesn't think so! He goes everywhere in the car with me and patiently waits for me while I run all my errands. I think he developed his love of travel by the 3000 miles airplane trip he took to get here. He has a great disposition, loves everyone he sees and has so much personality. Like all parents, I don't think there is a prettier dog, but even strangers stop to tell me what a beautiful dog he is. On the whole he was pretty easy to train and is more than willing to shake hands if it will get him a treat! From my husband's perspective, Zack was a real pleasure to work with in his field training as a result of his mellow disposition and has integrated well with our three other Brittanys. We train our own dogs and by the time he was a year old in March he had met or exceeded all our training goals for his age. He appears to have a very good nose, points, retrieves, honors and responds appropriately to the collar, whistle and hand commands. Most important, hes learned to distinguish when were just messing around, which allows him to hunt or chase most anything, and when were actually hunting He seems quite self-assured and doesnt require a lot of praise to motivate him. Hes been as easy, if not easier, than our American Brittanys to train. I know we owe so much to Chippewa Farms for the great bloodlines and the socialization the puppies get there from birth until they go to their permanent homes. Thank you so much for Zack. No one could do better than to get a Brittany there.
Submitted by: Tom and Janice Wise on May 11, 2010
John and Melody are the best! We purchased Murphy a year ago and what a sweetheart! From the point of researching breeders it became clear that John and Melody were knowledgeable, caring people that care about the puppies they bring into this world and want only to share the joy that each puppy can give to a family. Loyal, loving, intelligent and above all entertaining!We have a St. Bernard, golden retriever, miniture schanuzer and then came Murphy. He stole my heart with just one look. Murphy is the house clown, a loving companion and is becoming a very attentive hunter and has natural instincts to point. Murphy will sit patiently watching birds, will point butterflies and leap into the air trying to catch them. Murphy will be going to training in August and on his frist big hunting trip in Nebraska in October. We loved Murphy's disposition and attentiveness that we purchased a female and now Muprhy is the proud Daddy of 10 new puppies! During the birthing process, which was my first, John and Melody were readily availble every time I called with questions or updates! Not only have we found a great addition to our family we have acquired great friends with John and Melody. Thanks again for all your help and support
Submitted by: Theresa Padovano on Feb 13, 2010
Melody, Can you believe we were looking on your website this afternoon to see if the new litter arrived? We love Sadie so much! She is such a sweet dog. Sadie absolutely loves children and can hardly control her excitement when she sees them (we are working on that). She loves to be outside no matter what the weather and never seems to tire on a walk. Everyone always comments on what a beauty she is. She is now 22 lbs, not much of a peanut next to Sydney, our 12 lb Jack Russel. Michael wanted me to ask if you give volume discounts. He loves her so much he talks about getting another one often. He is very anxious to see the new litter. So good to hear from you. Theresa
Chippewa Farms
French Brittany's
Submitted by: Jack Smith on Nov 13, 2011
Just have to let you know how excited that I am about Lacey.We went out this morning for the first time with a friend with an older dog.We were hunting over about a 150 acres of clear cut with new pines,the dogs did find one cover of birds and Lacey was within about10/20 feet of the birds when they flew and I think the light came on.She had been hunting hard with the older dog but when they got the birds she acted like she was on a mission then.I am so looking forward to the time that we will spend in the briars together.She is a joy to have and work, she worked close and often checked back with me when she ventured out a little far. I am impressed with her, thanks again for my friend. Jack Smith
Submitted by: Jerry & Judy on Dec 13, 2010
Hi Melody,
I hope this finds you and John well. I know it'll find you busy.
Judy mentioned that she sent a recent image of Jack to you. Boy, he surely has grown.
I wanted to let you know that he's coming along beautifully in the bird business arena. He naturally took to woods running and quartering. He's perfectly whistle trained. We've been working with him using live-trapped pigeons. He's holding points, and just the other day had his first real retrieve on a dead pigeon. We would have given him exposure to "real" game birds this fall, just to let him find, sniff and point, but Judy and I both had a month-plus weird virus that eliminated serious tramping through covers. Next year we have plans to head north and inland in this state to spend some serious time at a camp in good bird country with Jack.
We'll keep you updated.
He surely is a terrific dog.
And here's wishing you and John and fine Christmas.
All the best,
Submitted by: Eileen Arnold on Feb 04, 2011
Melody, I just received this picture of Keeper. My nephew Corey's fiance took it over the holidays. I thought you would enjoy it. Everything is going as well as can be and Keeper has been a delight in our days. We made a good choice to get another Britt so soon after Reese considering the other issues that came our way. Keeper is smart and spunky is very different from Reese's submissiveness. Hope all is well.
Submitted by: Walt & Terry Sue McVey on Apr 23, 2011
Dear John & Melody,
I can hardly believe that Fergus is 1 year old today. I can remember last year waiting for the puppies to be born how excited we were, it was well worth the wait. Fergus is such a delightful boy! I can’t even imagine what like would be like had he not come to us…
Just this morning we played fetch/give with Fergus, Wally and I were laughing at what a fun dog he is. He will get the object, then race back to give it for his verbal reward, vibrate until you throw again. He has even figured out how to get the “boss” Cairn Terrier how to play with him.
We love to go for adventures and in this rainy climate sometimes we have to head for shelter. There is a big nursery that has lots of undercover area to work on our obedience. Fergus loves to go there because he gets lots of praise for what a good boy he is and “What a good looking dog! What breed is he? I’ve never seen a tri-liver color before, he’s gorgeous”
This last year has been fun watching Fergus grow from puppy to adult and develop into a great dog. We look forward to getting him hunting next year!
I also wanted to thank you for all the time you spent with me on the phone while I was trying to learn about the breed and your kennels.
Happy Birthday Fergus !!!
Walt & Terry Sue
Submitted by: Shelley & Emma Gilispie on Apr 24, 2011
Hello Melody and John:
We have celebrated Tara’s first birthday today and want to wish a happy birthday to all her brothers and sisters, too!
Tara is doing SO well – she is truly such a joy to have around. She is the sweetest natured dog we have ever owned and terribly smart, too. She just graduated from “Advanced Beginner Obedience” class and is moving on to “Heel, Jump and Retrieve” in May. We will have a champion obedience dog I’m sure. She and Emmy have learned all the basics and have moved to directed jumping, which she took to immediately. We are so proud of both of them. Emmy showed Tara in the Spartanburg AKC Dog Match back in March and won three ribbons, one of which was Best in Breed and also 2nd place in Junior Handler. Okay – I have to admit Tara didn’t have any competition in Breed but we were so proud of her anyway! J They both did a beautiful job for their first time in competition.
Tara has continued to thrive and is so beautiful, both inside and out. We are just so proud of her and glad to have her. She has brought much joy into our lives.
Thank you for providing such a wonderful dog for our family. We are truly blessed.
I hope all is well with you,
Take care and God bless you,
Submitted by: robert cox on Jan 12, 2012
John & Melody,Thought I would update you on Jake’s progress. He ran in his first field trail on Sunday, in Pine Mountain, GA. He passed his Natural Ability Test (TAN) on the first try. He then ran in the Gun class and had three really good finds, points and 2 retrieves. He was “steady to the shot” which was a real surprise to me since we hadn’t practiced that yet. His crazy handler (Me) disqualified him when I kicked up the bird when the gunners couldn’t find it. Over all I couldn’t be more proud of our boy Jake at 1 year old. He continues to a great companion and my wife has grown very fond of Jake. Jake and I will be doing some part-time guide work for a local quail preserve. Thanks again such a smart enthusiastic dog.
Robert Cox
Submitted by: Lynn Peate on Jan 22, 2012
Our dog, Chief, will be two in April and is the most amazing pet we have ever owned! He continues to amaze us with his intelligence, trainability, intuitiveness, and sheer joy that he exudes. He is the perfect companion for our two children, and is great with other dogs. He is also incredible with my mother in law who is suffering from Alzheimers. He stays by her side when she visits and encourages her to interact with him. I think he would make a great therapy dog! We are not hunters; however, we do take him hiking and to the dog beach frequently. He stays within 50 yards, checks in, and responds to our voice commands even from a distance. (He loves to retrieve in the water!) John and Melody are amazing people with very strong character and high standards. They provided wonderful support during the puppy months, and we continue to be in touch. It is very easy to see that they truly love their dogs and are committed to providing the best care and training possible! We look forward to being repeat customers!
Submitted by: Maria Crupi on Mar 13, 2012
Today is Belle's 4th Birthday. After having her in our family for almost four years we know that we made the right decision to purchase a French Brittany.
Our whole family enjoyed Belle so much that we purchased another pup from Chippewa Farms 2 years ago. We are now the proud owners of Chippewa's Yogi Bear as well as Chippewa's Carolina Belle.
We still frequently communicate with Mel and John to seek their advice and expertise. We will always treasure their friendship.
Thank you Mel and John
Tom and Maria
Belle and Yogi
Wakefield Ma
Submitted by: Clancy & Anna Johnson on Mar 17, 2012
Hi John & Melody - Just a note to say hello and tell you once again how much we love Gus. All things are meant to be and he truly was a gift to us.
He is the sweetest boy and so full of fun and energy. But in the house he just plays with his toys and Ben or sleeps next to one of us.
He has completed the Puppy and Basic classes within our Dog Club and is beginning the intermediate class this week. He and Clancy also go to a personal trainer once a week. He is going to another Hunt trial this coming weekend with Clancy. They went to a test last week, but Gus didn't want to go in the water. We are going to have to find a safe pond or lake he can go into. So many down here have snakes or gaters -ugh.
We are doing well. Hope all is well with you and yours. We think of you so often and are eternally grateful for Gus. Keep this Country in your prayers and we will too.
Love to you both! Annabelle & Clancy
Submitted by: Jocelyn on May 08, 2012
Dear John and Melody,
Just wanted to send an update and spread the good news.....Our puppy is doing so well and adjusting just fine to her new life here in Pennsylvania. Mike and I have renamed her...RUBY! And she seems to like her new name too!
She loves our other dog, and plays with her a lot. Often our other dog still ignores her, but she has definitely taken on a maternal role and is very good with Ruby.
She loves to walk with us in the woods....she has had her first vet visit and all looks good.
She also loves all the other people and dogs she has met since being with us and our friends and family! Everybody thinks she is ADORABLE and she is!!!!!
Ruby has also really developed her own personality. She doesn't seem to be afraid of anything and she is quite demanding (and maybe even a little bit spolied already :)
We truly love her and she seems so happy here. I wanted you to know how well she is doing.
Thank you again for all your help. Ruby is perfect for us, and visa versa! I hope you and all your family and dogs are doing great!!!!
We will stay in touch!
Jocelyn and Mike
Submitted by: Jaime Plank on Mar 18, 2012
Our hunt training was so much fun today! Gabby just LOVES to point. She holds it like crazy! Would probably hold a point till the sun went down. When I flush the bird, she can't wait to point again. The pistol hasn't bothered her and a nearby shotgun didn't bother her. She isn't as keen on retrieving yet since she is used to her big brother stealing her retrievals in a regular game of fetch (obviously going to stop doing that LOL) but she caught a bird in midair (tho she dropped it) and later picked up a bird to carry it and I was so excited that I practically yelped "Godd girl!" and she dropped the bird. LOL She loves the field and gallops with great confidence. And there is no mistaking when she hits that scent. I love watching her! Can't wait for my hunter safety course in 2 weeks so we can be ready to hunt together!!!!
Submitted by: Kerri Tyler on May 08, 2012
Hey Mel,
It's been a while. I thought you might like to see some of your off springs winnings. Hers are all to the right, my other dogs are to the left, (Vlad's) my GWP. She won all this last weekend. We haven't been able to show her since last October because she ruptured the bursar sack in her elbow and it took until about three weeks ago to absorb back into her system. She is a stem winder. Stunning, Stunning dog! I have some show pics coming and I will send you them. She is now a Champion for us and Chippewa Farms, Yippie!!! The judge that gave her, her winning point to become a CH, was judging her and three other bird dogs that were 6 yr old GCH's, for Best In Group. She placed Gwinnie Second behind one of the Top Ten GSP's and told us that Gwinnie was beating her until the final lap when a bunch of birds came flying in to the ring and Gwinnie couldn't stay stacked because she changed from, I'm a pretty show dog, to I'm a Dead Stone Huntress! When she told us that, we laughed and said, we don't mind, her first job is hunting in our household and this is just to pass the time in the off season. The judge replied, your right, she is after all, A Gun Dog, and we all just started laughing are heads off. The bird dog that beat her, prob don't even hunt, it was completely un bothered by the birds in the ring. Justin and every other spectator that was watching had to agree on that issue. In her final show for that weekend, a new judge came up to us after her show, that she placed second in and told us, by the end of June when she is a year and a half, she will be almost impossible to beat. Every judge just loves her and they just can't believe how stout and compact she is. Oh and by the way, she is an outstanding huntress indeed!!! We had been so busy last fall that we didn't get a chance to take them out not even once, we didn't even have time to even train her or Vlad on the scent of birds of any kind, so back in the late part of Feb. we loaded all of them up, and headed to a hunting ranch to spend the day hunting. As we were pulling into the ranch, Justin and I looked at each other and said, "well, they will either have it, or they won't" " lets just hope they have it". We let them out of the boxes and off they went like they had been doing it all their lives. In less than five minutes, Amos found a covey, and Gwinnie caught onto the scent and came Guns A Blazzin, so to speak, and locked up behind Amos, Honoring him, and Vlad right behind her, and he Honored her. Justin, Steed and I were standing there with are mouths dragging the ground in such shock, that the birds started flying getting away and all three off those dogs looked at us like, REALLY!!! What the Heck!! It, was so funny! I actually shot video of the hunt and will get it downloaded and send it to you. We love her so much, she is incredibly smart and what a character!!..... I look at your website from time to time to she pictures of new puppies, you have sure had some nice ones. Well, I hope all is going good for you guys and maybe we can hit some shows over you guys way This summer, we would love to visit with you all again. Take care.
Kerri Tyler
Submitted by: Lynn P. on Jun 22, 2012
Chief is an incredible joy! He is so good with other people and other dogs that we are taking him along more and more. He and Marty and Rand met me at the finish line of my last race, and a bunch of my students were there (they ran, too.) He licked them all and was just so sweet. I'd bring him to school if they'd let me! We're hoping to take him to Laura's place next summer, so he and Captain will get go go kayaking together and play on the beach together.
Chippewa pups are the best! We love looking at the pics on FaceBook. Good luck with you next litters.
Hugs to all!
Submitted by: Sarah G. on Jan 21, 2013
I'd put our pup up against any other pointer breed. He's amazing!! Holds point until released, then retrieves when his master releases. It's all in the breeding... thanks Melody and John!! You picked the perfect pup for Rick. PRICELESS:-)
Submitted by: Randy S. on Jan 21, 2013
Like I said he is living up to his name. He is full of life and really enjoys playing with Yuri almost as much has he likes to hunt. We couldn’t have picked a better pup. He is well worth the cost and trip to get him. By the way if you ever have another chocolate pup please let me know.
Here are just a few of our many Customers Testimonials, sorry we can't list them all but we do from time to time swap them with others.Thank you for taking the time to read them!
Submitted by: Gloria Franklin on Jun 04, 2014
Melody & John--- Thank you again fro Mr Tibbs ! We are LOVING him and spoiling him to MANY activities daily. He loves to spend tree time, hike time, people time, doggy park time, goes to Lowes, Home Depot, Bass Pro and loves the attention he gets EVERYWHERE. Hope you both are doing great!!! Loobbs is a great combination of Gilbert and Abby--- he is very silly and we all find him hilarious!! Smart too!! Does all basic commands: sit, stay, down, down-stay, hunt and find--- working on leash training this week.
Submitted by: Joel Ellis on Jun 04, 2014
Hi, Steeles. I hope all is well at Chippewa Farms. I thought you might enjoy a couple of recent shots of Henry. In a few days Henry will join us on his first trip out west. He will go with us to Oxford (MS), New Orleans, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Santa Fe, and several cities is Colorado. We'll probably come back through Oklahoma too. I calculated that after this summer he will have been to at least 21 states with us. He's a very good traveler.
Submitted by: Steven Hairfield on Feb 04, 2014
Melody and John,
Just wanted to update you on how well Chance is doing. This was our hunt yesterday.
He has excellent natural ability and little training. He never slows down and is always on the hunt. Usually he is the first to any downed bird.
In the house he is as you describe on your website. Good with the grandchildren and relaxed (mostly curled on the sofa) .
Although we sometimes have the doubters at the beginning of the hunt by the end there is grudging respect. (Yes, Virginia, there are other bird dogs besides pointers and setters)
Thanks again for Chance.
Steve Hairfiel
Submitted by: Deborah Cruger on Jun 04, 2014
Dear Melody,
I hope you and your family are doing well!
I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know how our "baby" Max is doing.
He is an amazing puppy and we just love him to pieces! He is super smart and fits in our family perfectly.
He is house broken and has been for some time. We discovered he would sit quietly by the door when he needed to go out but we wouldn't always notice. So we got a bell and we taught him to ring it. It is so cute! As you said, yes, he is quite a chewer, but he has not destroyed anything of ours and knows to chew only his toys. (Although he does make off with a few of the kids toys just to get their attention sometimes!)
He also knows how to sit and is doing well learning not to jump when people come over.
He chooses each night who he is going to sleep with and he mostly chooses to sleep with our little girl. She loves this because her brothers share a room and she is alone.
My husband thinks Max would be a great hunting dog. Initially he wasn't going to use him as a bird dog, but he is now thinking he may!
Max gets crazy when the kids are outside and he cannot be with them. He wants to be part of the fun. We take him with us just about everywhere we go and even our friends who are not dog people love him and let him in their home. He even gets along with their cats.
Speaking of that, he loves our guinea pigs too and they like him as well! They used to be timid but it seems since he got here they are more friendly. Maybe they feel protected by him.
Last weekend we had him at a winery and friends of our asked us about where we got Max. They are now interested in getting a pup of their own. I gave them your info.
You are a delight to work with and we feel blessed! Just know that is puppy is spoiled and loved so much!!
Talk to you soon!!!
Love, Debi Cruge
Submitted by: Alfred Warner on Nov 05, 2013
Hi, Melody:
It's been two years since you shipped Dash up to me and I just wanted to give you an update. First, Dash is about the best dog I can imagine. Smart, playful, loving and a darned good looking dog. Almost everyone we meet comments on his appearance to the good. His head could be large if he understood just half of what gets said! My wife says I spoil him rotten and I probably do.
Second, I finally had a chance to get him in the field this year. I'm training him myself (or, more likely, trying not to get in his way as he learns) and I'm thrilled with how he is doing. He works hard and relentlessly as long as the weather is not too hot. He began by busting up birds by rushing them but he's been getting cannier and today he struck and held point at least twice where I could see him. It's beautiful to watch him stalk a bird in super slow-motion. He's also been excellent at helping me find downed birds in heavy cover.
We have a lot to learn still but he is exactly what I've read elsewhere about French Brittanies: angels in the house and demons in the field (well, my wife is not sure about the angel part as he has claimed on end of the sofa as his own....).
I've attached a photo from our work today. Just wanted to let you know how happy I am with my boy.
Al Warner
Erie PA